
> 고객지원

OpenChoice TDSPCS1 V1.7
작성자 메타사이트
등록일 2009-01-22 조회수 17504
PC와 텍트로닉스 오실로스코프 간의 빠르고 쉬운 통신을 위한 일련의 프로그램입니다.

TDSPCS1(2008년 11월 18일 v1.7) 다운로드 클릭 바랍니다.

PC equipped with Windows 2000, XP PRO or Vista 800+ MHz, 500MB RAM, HD, Mouse, Keyboard.
Connected by GPIB, USB, RS232 or LAN to a compatible Tektronix oscilloscope.
VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) must be installed on the PC for OpenChoice Desktop to work. Please read the Instructions on this web page to get an appropriate version of VISA.

This software applies to:
TDS210, TDS220, TDS224, TDS3014B, TDS3032B, TDS3034B, TDS3052B, TDS3054B, TDS3012, TDS3014, TDS3032, TDS3034, TDS3052, TDS3054, TDS1002, TDS1012, TDS2002, TDS2012, TDS2014, TDS2022, TDS2024, TDS3012B, TPS2012, TPS2014, TPS2024, TDS3024B, TDS3044B, TDS3064B, DPO4054, DPO4034, DPO4032, DPO4104, TDS1001B, TDS1002B, TDS1012B, TDS2002B, TDS2004B, TDS2012B, TDS2014B, TDS2022B, TDS2024B, MSO4032, MSO4034, MSO4054, MSO4104, TDS3012C, TDS3014C, TDS3032C, TDS3034C, TDS3052C, TDS3054C, DPO3012, DPO3014, DPO3032, DPO3034, DPO3052, DPO3054, TDS1001B-SC, TDS1002B-SC, TDS1012B-SC, DPO2012, DPO2014, DPO2024, MSO2012, MSO2014, MSO2024