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직거래이용 도움 가이드
직거래장터 게시판
상  태 판매완료
번  호 65205
제  목 EMCO 3142 Biconical Antenna. 26MHz - 2GHz. 300Watt
등 록 일 2019-07-10 오후 9:13:44
등 록 인 Dae
Model 3142 biconilog is a hybrid linearly polarized antenna and makes measurements from 26MHz to 2GHz in one sweep. The biconilog comprises a Log Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA) with a “bow-tie” element. This usual design effectively couples the LP and biconical frequency ranges. Ideally suitable for EN61000-4-3 Immunity Testing and ANSI C63.4, FCC-18 plus EN 55022 for Emissions Testing. The antennas mounting bracket will fit on to a number of adapters. The NCTM-155 (Item 806) can be used to set a transmission height of 1.55 meters. The AMB-9208/E is used for attaching to a 2” sq. mast boom in the receive mode. Antenna factors, gain, calibration data and method of operation is included with each antenna. Please advise which mount you require. A generic antenna factor chart is shown below for this design of antenna at 3m spacing.
가  격 00