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직거래이용 도움 가이드
직거래장터 게시판
상  태 판매중
번  호 54188
제  목 Yokogawa 2533 Digital Power Meter SINGLE PHASE
등 록 일 2018-11-14 오전 11:39:09
등 록 인 Lee
연 락 처 01031224979
The Yokogawa 2533 Series Digital Power Meters are an outstanding solution to accurate effective power measurement of distorted waveform. These power meters are ideal for use on production lines and in research and development.

A single digital power meter can measure effective values of AC voltage from 3 to 600 V (DC voltage can be superimposed), AC current from 100 mA to 30 A, and single-phase power from 300mW to 18 kW (600 mW to 36 kW in three-phase, three-wire systems). Voltage, current and power measurements can be conducted by simply making a key selection. These meters feature faster respond time and a greater number of features than conventional models. A built-in photo coupler provides complete isolation between the power meter input and output circuits. With high dielectric strength and high resistance to external noise, these meters offer stable and reliable operation
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