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직거래이용 도움 가이드
직거래장터 게시판
상  태 판매중
번  호 65863
제  목 fluke196B Digital Oscilloscope, Handheld, 2 Channels, 100MHz
등 록 일 2019-10-18 오후 5:07:28
등 록 인 Lee
연 락 처 +821054024555
Product Information

The FLUKE 196B is a digital oscilloscope that offers a bandwidth up to 100 MHz and comes with two channels. Also, it offers 1 Gs/s and 27500 points per input record length. Featuring the Stop-on-Trigger function, it analyzes pre-trigger waveform data. This FLUKE equipment runs on rechargeable NiMH battery. With the Flukeview software, it lets you print or download data to your PC and can use that data for evaluation and documentation.
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